Love That Defies Us Page 5
“We can’t; Zane is in here,” I breathe heavily. Shadow looks over at Zane, his head falling back with a loud sigh.
“Hurry and get your things or I’m taking you on this damn floor, Dani,” Shadow whispers, his fingers digging into my hips.
I smirk and pull away from him, looking around the room for things to take. I find my shopping bag from the mall sitting next to the door and stuff some clothes from the dresser in it.
After grabbing the things I manage to find in the dresser and closet, I walk over to the bed. I lean over slowly and give Zane a long kiss on the forehead. I don’t want to leave him, especially after the night we had. I want to take him with me.
“We will be back early tomorrow. He will have a blast with Bobby. We need this, Firefly,” Shadow whispers into my ear. I nod and pull away reluctantly; I know we need this time to ourselves. Before walking out, I give Zane one last look and see Shadow giving him a kiss on the forehead, whispering something in his ear before meeting me at the door.
The sky is covered in a blanket of dark gray clouds, the wind blowing with an arctic chill as I make my way out of the club. I notice Shadow’s black Mustang parked out front, its motor purring in the idle position.
“Warmed it up for you, babe,” Shadow remarks, grabbing my bag from my hand.
“Where are we going?” I ask, climbing into the seat. Shadow walks around to his side of the car, ignoring me.
He drives onto the main street and then to the freeway, the car vibrating as he accelerates. I love this car; it’s so masculine, plus Shadow looks delicious behind the wheel. I look out the window as we drive past businesses and streets, thinking about last night. It was a disaster; just another hurdle living the life in the MC world tests us with. I know I am more than capable of living this life; a darker side of myself has proved that on many occasions. I don’t like that piece of me, though; in fact, I have tried to hide it as much as I can the last couple of years. But in doing so, it hasn’t made me happy, hasn’t made me feel like I am in control of myself. Concealing a piece of myself, which makes me who I am, is like trying to pour water into a broken glass. It’s pointless; it will uncontrollably seep out and eventually leave me empty and broken.
“What happened with Charlie?” I ask, looking at the passing trees from the window.
I hear Shadow shift uncomfortably in his seat, clearing his throat. I can tell it’s not a topic he wants to discuss with me. I should leave it at that, but I won’t.
“Did I really cause Charlie his patch?” I question, taking my gaze from the window to Shadow. He takes his eyes off the road and looks at me angrily, his dark eyebrows pinning me in my seat as his lip curls upward.
“No,” he replies quickly, his tone fake. I narrow my eyes, making him look back at the road.
“Ok, somewhat yes,” he admits. “He should have had a better eye on the president’s daughter, and taken responsibility for his fuck-up when he was a prospect.” I close my eyes and turn my head downward. I feel responsible for Charlie’s psychotic break. He killed so many people. Why? Because of me costing him his patch?
“Not patching him in was the best decision the club made, Dani,” Shadow remarks, interrupting my thoughts. “You being kidnapped by his negligence was a blessing in disguise. Charlie was not a stable person; he couldn’t have handled the MC life. Doing some of the things which are required of a member would have broken him quickly and if we would’ve patched him in, it would have put a lot more at risk.” I nod in understanding. Who knows what would have set Charlie off after he was already patched in. Or what information he would have on the club, and what power he would have using his patch as leverage.
Shadow reaches over and grabs my hand, kissing my knuckles, his blue eyes staring at me sincerely.
“You know I love you, Firefly?” Shadow asks. I smile and squeeze his hand.
“Yeah, I do,” I respond, smiling. We have been through Hell and back and survived it all. That’s how I know what we have is real. The world keeps testing us, trying to find our disadvantages, but it won’t. Where I am weak Shadow is strong, and where Shadow is frail I am resilient, making us unbreakable.
“You better,” Shadow says arrogantly, making me shake my head with a smirk.
After a long drive, we pull up to a house made of dark-green sandstone with a dark-brown roof. I squint as I survey the house more. I can see the sandy beach lying behind the house, along with glimpses of what looks like the ocean. It’s a beach house. Actually, it’s the beach house Shadow took me to when we first got together. I take my gaze away from the house and look at Shadow.
“Really!?” I squeal excitedly. Shadow and I really connected when he took me to this place, things we tried so hard to achieve finally reached by isolation in the walls of sandstone.
Shadow laughs and shuts off the engine. I climb out of my seat, which takes longer than it should, and look at the house. Even in the winter it is still amazing, its foliage of green barely standing amongst the walls from the cooler weather. The smell of salt is in the air, and the sound of waves is welcoming.
“Here.” I look over and see Shadow holding a silver key. I grab the cold key and look at it, puzzled.
“Why did you give this to me?” I ask, looking back at Shadow who is grinning wildly, his hair blowing in the cool wind. Man, he’s sexy.
“Because it’s the key to our new house,” Shadow says calmly, shrugging.
I look down at the key then back at him.
“Our new house?” I ask confused.
“Our new house,” Shadow repeats. I look toward the beach house and back at Shadow again. I have looked at a dozen houses over the last couple of months and have found nothing Shadow was interested in. I thought for sure I would be stuck in his apartment forever, stuck in his ways. I look back at the house. It’s far from town; the kids and I can play on the beach any time we want. It’s perfect. This is our house. He bought me a house for Valentine’s Day.
I sob, a big ugly gasp escaping my mouth.
Shadow grabs both my shoulders and leans his face down.
“Dani, are you crying because you hate it or love it?” Shadow questions, his eyebrows raised with concern.
I run my hand under my nose, trying to get a hold of my emotions.
“B-because I love it,” I respond, wrapping my hands around his neck. I close my eyes and sniffle some more. “Damn hormones have me an emotional wreck,” I half-joke.
Shadow sighs and hugs me back, chuckling in my ear. He pulls away and holds both sides of my face, causing me to look right at him.
“Let’s go inside our new home so I can claim your body in every room,” he demands. I throw my head back and laugh, knowing he will do just that.
Walking inside the house, it’s just as beautiful as I remember.
There is the kitchen with stainless steel appliances and an island in the middle. To the left of the doorway sits the small living area with an overstuffed tan couch, green and white pillows thrown on it. Next to the sitting area is a bathroom which is just as amazing.
But what I love most about this place is the bed in the middle of the house. As soon as you walk in the front door, it’s the first thing you see. It's a big, sand-colored, four-poster bed with white sheers hanging elegantly along all four sides. The comforter is white and fluffy with lots of pillows thrown across it. In front of the bed are two floor-to-ceiling double glass doors which open to a patio which leads to the beach and ocean. I smile and head toward the bed. Lots of memories were made on this bed.
“We can add on to the house, make it just how we like it. Then we will have the bed moved into one of the rooms,” Shadow says, walking up behind me. He bunches my hair on one side of my head and lightly kisses my neck. I loll my head to the side, inviting him in. I am like the poisonous, white Datura flower, needing the darkness of the night which is Shadow to fully bloom and show my worth. I cannot exist without his shadow cast upon me, just as his darkness needs me to illuminate what be
auty he is capable of. It’s just in the eye of the beholder to fully see what is in front of them.
He grinds his pelvis against my ass and growls against my neck in acceptance. My breathing picks up as my hand travels across his cheek.
“Wait,” I whisper heavily, remembering my gift to him.
I pull from Shadow’s grip, his fingers digging deep into my hips trying to keep me still.
“I have something for you,” I remark, laughing. He grumbles and reluctantly lets go as I laugh at his sulking. I head over to the stereo inside the wall and turn it on, Hozier’s “Take Me To Church” playing on a radio station. “I’ll be out in a minute,” I explain, grabbing my bag off the floor and heading toward the bathroom.
I set the bag on the green tiled sink and fish out the white top and bottom lingerie set. I quickly take off my clothes and put it on, the fabric hugging my figure perfectly. I look in the mirror and notice my eyes look a little swollen—must be from the lack of sleep. I pinch my cheeks for color and tousle my hair. I look at the woman staring back at me in the mirror. I have come a long way: from damaged naive girl, to mother and soon-to-be wife; a woman. I take a deep breath and open the door to head back toward Shadow. The lights are turned off and there are candles all over the floor, Shadow standing in front of the double doors in all his glory. His tattooed back muscles are outlined perfectly, and his ass cheeks are clenched as he stares out at sea. He has his arms above his head and pressed against the glass, revealing his toned biceps.
My mouth parts as I let out a sudden breath. The two years I have been with Shadow, it’s as if he just gets more handsome with age. He turns as if he senses my presence and his defined jaw clenches, his Adam’s apple moving as he swallows.
“What are you trying to do to me?” Shadow whispers. I look down at my white top hanging to my thighs and tiny underwear, trying to get an idea of what he sees when looking at me.
Shadow pulls his hand up and crooks his finger. “Come here, Dani,” he demands, his voice deep and raw. My feet pitter-patter against the cool floor as I walk toward him, and he leans his head back as his eyes scan my entire body hungrily. When I am barely two feet from him I stop. My heart is beating erratically as my body is on such display. I have never worn lingerie while pregnant, never really revealed much of myself while carrying one of Shadow’s children.
Shadow runs his finger up my throat slowly, making his way under my jaw. He applies pressure under my chin, tilting my head upward, my emerald eyes meeting his sapphire.
“You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. How I ever came to deserve you will remain a mystery to me,” he whispers as Hozier sings to us in the background.
I lean down and press my lips to Dani’s, kissing her, needing her. My tongue caresses hers, shooting an electric bolt right to my dick. I feel her pull away from my lips, but just as she breaks her mouth from mine, I dip down and grab her bottom lip with my teeth. Her eyes widen when I refuse to let go, making me smile wolfishly. I lightly dig my teeth into her lip, making her whimper in my hold. With Zane, the pregnancy, and the duties of the club, I know it hasn’t been easy on her, but tonight she is mine, no distractions. I am going to make sure she remembers this Valentine’s Day, because God knows I won’t be able to top this year’s ever again. I can’t buy her a fucking house every Valentine’s Day. I slip my hands down her back slowly, the silky see-through top sliding beneath my palms as I make my way downward. My fingers walk along the peaks of her ass before grabbing each of the cheeks harshly. She moans and her legs tremble as she arches her body into me, submitting to my will. I turn her around and press her back against the cold glass, the chill against her warm skin making her gasp. She looks up at me as I tower over her, her eyes pleading for me to take her. God, she is beautiful. Even to this day, she is still the lantern to my cavernous soul.
“Tonight, Firefly, you will be mine, and your body will belong to me,” I whisper.
She nods in understanding as her chest rises and falls from her sporadic breathing. I grab her by the thighs and pick her up, her legs clinging to my waist. Even when she is pregnant, she weighs hardly anything. She cups my cheeks, pressing her lips to mine, her nipples skipping across my collarbone as her tongue slips into my mouth greedily. I turn us and walk to the oversized bed, slowly planting her on her back at the edge of the bed and breaking our kiss. Her chocolate-colored hair splays across the white comforter like a silk curtain, and her beautiful eyes look up at me waiting for my next move. I grin and run my hands up her mesh top, squeezing her breasts, her legs pulling together, and her back arching from my touch. Her eyes close and she pants my name.
My dick skirts across the comforter as I lean over the bed, kneading her tits. I grab her knees and push them apart then grasp her under the thighs and pull her ass to the edge of the bed, making her pussy easier to get to. My dick presses against her panty-clad pussy, making her close her eyes tighter and mewl from the contact. I slide my index finger under the side of her panties, feeling the warmth of her pussy glide against my knuckles. My dick jumps from the thought of sliding into her so easily.
I lean down, grab the hem of her ruffled white bottoms with my teeth, and begin to slide them downward. She lifts her ass off the bed, making it easier for me to pull them completely off. Once I slide them off her feet I glide my hands up her smooth legs, making my way back up her gorgeous body. I swirl my thumb over her swollen clit as I pass by her sweet pussy, and the touch makes her widen her legs and cry out. I grab the base of my throbbing dick and gently slap it against her swollen bundle of nerves, teasing her and causing her to thrust her hips upward.
“Shadow,” Dani pleads.
“Yeah?” I ask arrogantly.
“Take me, now,” she whines, her hands tangled in her hair as she tries to thrust her hips onto my dick.
“Are you asking or telling me, baby?”
“Please!” she yells, at her breaking point. I grab my shaft and position it over her, the wetness coming from her pussy sticking to the tip of my dick just by barely touching her. I slide her wetness around her opening, making her body tremble.
I close my eyes and inhale deeply as I slide my cock all the way inside her, the feeling of us connecting making me growl.
“Oh, yes!” she moans seductively, gripping the covers tightly. My balls immediately squeeze, and my head falls back as I slowly withdraw my dick. Just as my head is about to leave her heat, I slowly slide back in. God, it feels so good; I don’t want it to ever end. I feel my ass cheeks clench as I continue to thrust in and out of her, making her tits bounce. Her pebbled nipples skirt across her top’s white lace, enticing me. I reach upward and cup her breast, but the fucking material keeps me from feeling her skin. I grab the top with both hands and pull hard, causing it to rip. Her eyes pop open and she leans on her elbows, eying the damage I have caused to her skimpy lingerie. I continue to pump my hips, my dick sliding in and out of her wetness with ease.
“What? I opened my gift,” I say, shrugging. I swirl my hips, hitting her G-spot and causing her to fall back on the bed with pleasure, my damage to her clothing forgotten. I reach for her bare breasts and grab at them as I continue to slowly fuck her, her tits fitting my palm perfectly. I dive my face forward and suck on her nipple, savoring the salty taste of her in my mouth. I feel her pussy clench on my dick, her legs relaxing as she nears her climax. My knees dig into the side of the mattress as I pick up my pace, my dick squeezing tightly as her pussy throbs around it, taking to it like a vise. She grabs my face, her lips barely brushing against mine as she stares at me, her mouth forming a perfect ‘o’ shape.
“I’m about to…” she whimpers against my mouth.
“Not till I say,” I command. “Wait for me, and we’ll go together,” I pant. She closes her eyes and nods, her breath brushing against my lips.
She arches her back, her legs coming off the bed. “I – I can’t,” she moans. Her seductive state throws me over the edge quickly, making my balls vibr
ate as I begin to come inside her. I lean my face into the crook of her neck as I piston my hips wildly.
“Now, Firefly,” I grit against her peach-smelling skin.
She moans into the night air, her legs wrapping around me while her heels dig into my back as she explodes on my dick.
I feel my legs lock as I release every drop inside her, her arm wrapped around my head—which is buried in her neck—tangles in my hair.
“Oh, wow,” she moans against my face.
I nod as I pull off my elbows and roll over next to her, looking up at the ceiling.
“I’ll be right back,” she informs breathlessly.
I pull my arm out and lean my head on my hand, watching Dani climb out of bed.
“I’m not done with you, Firefly,” I warn. She stops and looks at me with raised brows.
“Is that right?” she sasses.
Her face takes on a surprised look, her gaze slipping from mine as she looks downward. My eyes follow what she’s looking at, and suddenly a whole lot of fluid rushes down her legs.
I jump off the bed and look at the watery substance between her feet.
“Oh, shit!” I yell.
I look down at the warm fluid around my feet, my toes wiggling in it. Did my water break? I had a C-section with Zane, so I never made it this far. I’m only thirty-seven weeks along; I can’t be ready to deliver.
“Dani, we need to get to the hospital now,” Shadow instructs, his tone stern but laced with fear.
“I feel completely fine. Shouldn’t I be having contractions or something?” I question, taking my eyes from the water to Shadow’s stunned face, his eyes raised to his hair line as he looks me over.
“Hell if I know!” Shadow replies.