Love That Defies Us Page 4
“Dani!” I’m quickly snapped from my violent rage. I look up and see Shadow standing in the doorway, his mouth parted and eyebrows raised with concern.
“Shadow,” I sob.
My pregnant fiancée stands above Charlie, a bloody wooden weapon gripped tightly into her palm and blood splattered all over her, causing her dark hair to stick to her face. I look down at Charlie who has a deep gash planted on his skull. He must be the one killing everyone, the connection to the club. It makes sense. I have seen the dark side of Dani escape before, but it’s rare. Watching something so pure and angelic turn dark still takes me aback.
I make myself move, walking toward her.
“I’m here, baby,” I comfort, wrapping my arms around her shoulders.
“I don’t know where Zane is,” she cries, pulling me closer. I pull away from her and push a strand of hair away that is sticking to blood on her face.
“Bobby has Zane,” I inform her.
“What?” she questions, looking at me with confusion.
“He heard Sara was watching him, and we discovered today that the murders around town were associated with the club. He wanted Zane at the clubhouse where he would be safe until we knew more,” I reply, brushing the back of my hand against her cheek.
“Charlie is the Valentine’s Day killer,” Dani mutters into my chest, pulling me close.
I sigh, running my thumb over my bottom lip as I look down at Charlie. “Looks like it,” I reply. “Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?” I question, looking her over while feeling her pregnant belly. I find the purple bruise against her temple and caress my thumb over it.
Dani winces and pulls away from my finger. “I’m fine,” she responds, her voice shaky. I’m going to kill Charlie, put him in the ground like I should have done years back. Bull was wrong not letting me act on that, more concerned with adding unwanted attention.
“I want Doc to look you over,” I inform her, not giving any room for her to argue. Doc is our under-the-table doctor, repaying a favor to us from years back.
Dani looks down at Charlie and gasps. I pull her head into my chest, keeping her view away from him.
“You did what you had to do, Firefly,” I add, trying to comfort her. When her temper gets the best of her, it’s as if she blacks out. She swims in a fountain of darkness, surviving her only mission, and rationality lost with the waves. When her temper fades and she becomes grounded, she is confused and scared of the trail of carnage left in her wake, terrified of what she was capable of. I love her even more for it. She’s like an angel trying to escape from Hell, one wing black and the other white. Battling innocence with the temptation of sin.
“You saved my life, bitch.” I look down to Cherry, coughing and moaning, trying to stand up.
“Oh, Cherry,” Dani cries, pushing away from me and walking over to Cherry, helping her up. I look over at Charlie and notice his hand twitching; he’s going to wake up soon.
“Get your things and go to the club,” I demand. Cherry nods, wiping blood from her face; she is actually going to listen for once. Cherry is known for doing what she wants and defying orders of the club.
Dani steps over Charlie and presses her lips to mine passionately. I grab the back of her head, my fingers pressing into her silky hair as I kiss her back, thankful she is alive and my children are not harmed.
She pulls away and pins me with those vibrant green eyes, a smile spreading across her face.
“Go. Cherry, make sure Doc checks her out,” I command. She nods and they leave as I run my hand over my face. Fuck, this is a mess. I have a babysitter dying in the hallway and a lunatic passed out in my living room. I grab my phone, calling Doc first. Hopefully she can convince Sara to keep her mouth shut, fix her up at the club. If not, I better start preparing my statement for the cops.
I lean against the cold cement wall, waiting for Charlie to wake up. After Dani and Cherry left, I called the boys and let them know what had gone down. Doc rushed to the apartment and said Sara had lost a lot of blood but it was mostly flesh wounds. She has Sara at the club now, looking over her and Dani. The boys and I scooped up Charlie, threw him in the back of the club’s van, and brought him here where I should have brought him years ago: an old warehouse with a basement. It smells like mold down here and is ten times colder than outside. It’s small and has only one light, a wire holding a single light bulb in the middle of the room right above Charlie. He’s passed out and bound to an old metal chair. He looks like shit. His Mohawk is grown out, and he looks like he hasn’t showered in weeks, maybe months, wearing dried blood of every color on his clothes. The last thing our club needs is to be associated with the Valentine’s Day Massacre; they’ll never believe we didn’t have anything to do with it.
Valentine’s Day… fuck, that’s tomorrow.
“What the fuck?” Charlie mumbles, waking up and snapping me from my thoughts.
“Welcome!” Bobby yells, slapping Charlie on the back. Charlie winces and looks at me, dried blood staining his forehead where Dani hit him. I know he would have killed Dani brutally, and he would have hurt my son if Bobby hadn’t picked him up.
“You’ve left quite the mess for us to clean up. I should have buried your ass a long time ago,” I grit, scowling as I push off the wall. The only reason I hadn’t was because he split town. Bull told me to let it be, so I did.
Charlie smirks as he stares at me, his eyes holding a lifeless presence. I know I have my own list of sins and make my own path of evil, but Charlie is past any of that. He’s not grounded; he’s not sane. He has no clue what he has done, no remorse.
“You look at me like I’m a monster, but how am I any different than you?” Charlie sneers. I look up at Bobby who shrugs, just as confused as I am.
“What do you mean?” I question.
“You hunt people down, kill them without a second thought. How am I any less of a monster than you?” Charlie asks, tilting his head to the side waiting for my reply.
“How do you know that?” Bobby questions, stepping up beside me. There are only a few people in the club who know I was a contract killer. Charlie was not one of them.
Charlie snorts and looks toward the wall.
I sniff and cross my arms. “So you have stalking to add to your list of derangement.”
“I would have been the best brother The Devil’s Dust had,” Charlie informs, his voice holding a crazed tone. Bobby laughs, but I don’t. We almost made this guy a brother; I had trusted him.
“Clearly,” I remark sarcastically. “Not only did you get my girl kidnapped when you were a prospect, today you tied her up and I’m sure you would have killed her given the chance.” Charlie chuckles, nodding his head.
“He’s fucking psycho,” Bobby remarks, shaking his head.
I smirk and turn my face downward. Charlie has clearly lost his shit.
“You like to tie people up, huh?” I ask, walking up to him. He doesn’t respond but just keeps laughing, the sound echoing in the basement.
Bobby thrusts his fists in Charlie’s face, splitting the flesh on his cheek.
Charlie’s head snaps to the side, but he doesn’t stop laughing.
“I’m going to kill every one of you,” Charlie gasps between his laughter. “That bitch Dani being the worst of them yet.” His threats make me angry to the point I clench my jaw, and I see Bobby reach for his gun, ready to kill Charlie. I put my hand up, stopping him; a bullet to the head is way too easy for this fucker. I grab the piece of rope off the table I used to tie him up with and the knife I found on him in my apartment. I walk up to Charlie who is still laughing and clearly delusional. I wrap the rope around his neck and pull tightly, hoping to strike fear into him. His laugh takes on a hyena pitch, not fearing I may end his life as I wrap the ends of the rope around the knife’s handle, locking the twine in place. I twist the knife counter-clockwise, tightening the rope against Charlie’s throat. He continues to laugh maliciously, his tone agitating me. I gri
t my teeth and tighten the twine around his neck even more, his face taking on a darker hue from the lack of oxygen. The fact I may kill him not affecting him, he is still wracking with uncontrollable laughter.
I look at Bobby, my eyes raised with disturbance. The twine is literally sawing through his neck, and he continues to laugh.
“Do it,” Bobby suggests, shrugging.
I lean next to Charlie’s ear. “This is what happens when you fuck with my family,” I remark, having enough of this charade.
I twist the knife violently, making the twine tighten against his throat harshly. I twist and twist the handle of the blade; it’s getting harder to turn. Charlie’s laughter finally stops as the twine completely snaps into his throat. I twist the knife one last time and hold it there as Charlie’s body thrashes against the chair, the mixture of not being able to breathe and the cord cutting his throat killing him. Thick blood pours down his neck in a rush. I let go of the knife and it spins the opposite direction, loosening its hold, but the rope stays stuck inside Charlie’s throat. His face is purple, mouth parted, and eyes bugged out. I rub my jaw and turn to the table, placing both hands on the edge of it as I lower my head.
“Who would have known Charlie was a freak,” Bobby says.
“We were all he had; losing us as his family was the last straw in his sanity,” I reply. “We’re lucky we didn’t patch him in. Who knows what he would have been capable of inside the club.”
Bobby nods in agreement.
“How do you feel?” Doc asks, feeling around on my stomach with cold hands.
“Tired, ready to go to bed with my son,” I inform her, lying flat on my back on the bed. When I got to the club, Zane was in bed asleep in Shadow’s room.
She brushes her blonde hair away from her round face and reaches into her medical bag. “I’m going to listen to the baby’s heartbeat, make sure the little one is doing okay,” she tells me, pressing a small wand to my belly. The speaker in her hand echoes with a loud beat, making me smile.
“She sounds strong,” Doc says, grinning. “When do you see your OB?”
“Next week. We’re supposed to schedule the C-section,” I inform her.
“How far along are you?” she asks.
“Thirty seven,” I reply.
She reaches in her bag and pulls out another device, a cord connecting to something inside her bag.
“Shit,” she mumbles.
“What?” I ask, looking at the device in her hand.
“My batteries are dead,” she huffs, stuffing the device back into her bag.
“I’m fine, really. How is Sara?” I ask, concerned. When Cherry and I passed her in the hallway back at the apartment, she didn’t look well.
“She had to have a bunch of stitches and some pain medicine, but she’ll be okay,” Doc replies, placing her things inside her medical bag.
“Thanks for looking me over; you know how Shadow can be,” I remark, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, you are about to pop, so I would hold off on trying to kill anyone for a while,” Doc continues, winking at me. I laugh and sit up, pulling my shirt down over my stomach.
After Doc leaves, I head to mine and Shadow’s room. Shadow doesn’t really stay in this room anymore, not unless the club is on lockdown and then we all stay here. That hasn’t happened in a while, though. It still looks the same: a small bed with a quilt lying on top, a small night stand next to that. The dresser Shadow and I have had sex on many times, and an old, stained-up chair in the corner. I check on Zane, and Rex is sleeping on the pillow right above his head, Bobby must have taken Rex with him when he picked Zane up. I smirk and head to the shower, cleaning off any traces of blood with Shadow’s body wash. The woodsy scent comforts me; the smell of it still makes me feel on cloud nine even to this day. I climb out, dry off, and grab a toothbrush to clean my teeth. I pull on some boy shorts underwear and a loose white tank from the dresser drawer and head toward the bed where Zane is fast asleep. I climb in with him and wrap both my arms around him, pulling him close. I push my nose against his neck and inhale his scent of cookies before drifting to sleep.
“Mom. Mom.” I open my eyes from Zane nudging me awake, his wide blue eyes staring at me intently, with Rex in his lap.
“Hey, sweetie, how did you sleep?” I ask him.
“Eat,” he responds, pointing to his mouth.
I laugh and ruffle his black hair.
“All right, let me get some clothes on first,” I reply. I get out of bed and head toward the dresser where I keep clothes just in case. As soon as my hand reaches the drawer my head spins, my heartbeat picks up and I see spots. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
“Mom.” Zane tugs on my arm, pointing at the door. I nod and shuffle on some gray sweats then put on a bra. I grab Zane and change his diaper, then get him ready before heading to the club’s kitchen.
“Good morning, Bug!” Bobby shouts, his hands held out wide. Zane runs and leaps into Bobby’s arms with a big, toothy grin on his face. Bobby is wearing a tight, white long-sleeved thermal with torn blue jeans. Even when he has that ‘just rolled out of bed’ look, he’s handsome. Speaking of handsome…
“Hey, where is Shadow?” I ask, looking around the club.
“He had a few things to do this afternoon, but he’ll be here soon,” Bobby answers, picking up Zane and heading into the kitchen.
I follow him in, watching him grab a box of cereal and a bowl from the cabinet.
“You and I are going to have so much fun tonight. Maybe we can call a few chicks over. You want me to call your hot babysitter over for you?” Bobby looks at Zane and lifts an eyebrow in question.
“Puppy?” Zane asks.
“Yeah, you can bring puppy,” Bobby answers, smirking. “The chicks will love him,” he continues, his tone serious.
I laugh. “Did you seriously just ask my son that?” Bobby’s head whips up as if he didn’t realize I had followed him into the kitchen. “And why would you have him tonight?” I ask. Bobby’s face pales and he shrugs. I know that look; he’s up to something.
“What are you up to?” I interrogate.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Bobby clips, avoiding looking at me.
“Uh-huh, where is Shadow?” I continue to question. I suddenly smile, remembering today is Valentine’s Day.
I light up excitedly and walk up to Bobby.
“Shadow is out getting me something for Valentine’s Day, isn’t he?” Bobby’s face twists and he raises an eyebrow like I’m crazy, but I can see right through his act.
“What? No, that’s ridiculous,” Bobby snorts. I laugh and reach for a bowl from the cabinet.
“If you say so,” I continue. I am thrilled he will watch Zane for me; now I can definitely wear what I got Shadow for Valentine’s Day. Hopefully, nothing from the club will interfere.
“No plans for Valentine’s Day then?” I question. I know he has it bad for Doc, and I know she wants him just as much, but neither of them will admit it. Bobby is too stubborn to commit to a relationship, and Doc has some serious issues going on keeping her from a relationship, as well. So they are just fuck buddies as far as I know.
“Nope,” he remarks quickly.
I sigh and shake my head. One of these days, they will both get over whatever is keeping them apart.
After breakfast which we ate at noon, I take Zane back to the room and begin to lay him down for a nap. He was a little fussy over breakfast; I bet Bobby let him stay up late. Bobby is a great uncle; I’m surprised how good he is with Zane. But when it comes to rules Bobby has none, which Zane loves.
Zane climbs onto the bed and pats the pillow next to him, wanting me to lie down next to him. He rolls over on his back and starts babbling, playing with his feet. I slowly climb onto the bed, and lay on my side.
Zane rolls over onto his stomach and grabs a strand of my hair, twirling it, and I reach over and start
patting his back, hoping it will soothe him to sleep.
“Wake up, Firefly.” I open my eyes and see Zane sleeping on his pillow, his mouth parted with slobber slipping out.
“Firefly,” is whispered in my ear, causing my body to spike with desire at the familiar voice. I slowly turn over and see Shadow standing next to the bed looking down at me, his dark shirt hugging his torso tightly with his leather cut over it. I lick my lips at how delicious he looks and my clit throbs, making me realize just how horny I am.
“Where have you been?” I ask, trying to sit up.
“Get your things; I’m taking you somewhere for the night,” Shadow whispers, ignoring my question. He grabs my hand gently and helps me climb off the bed.
“What should I wear? I don’t have much here,” I respond half-asleep.
“What you have on is fine,” he answers, smacking my ass as he lifts me off the bed. I giggle and swat his hand away before he causes me to wake up Zane.
As soon as my feet hit the floor, my head swims and my heart races. I close my eyes and clench Shadow’s hand, trying to steady myself.
“What is it, babe? Are you okay?” he questions frantically.
I nod and take a calming breath.
“Little girl is just running out of room,” I answer.
“Maybe we should go to the hospital?” Shadow suggests, looking me over with worried eyes. When I was pregnant with Zane, he was just as nerve-wracking, over-protective, and don’t get me started on the delivery process—he was a mad man.
“No, I’m in my last trimester; things are going to be uncomfortable,” I assure him, stretching my arms out from their sleepy state.
Shadow runs his hand over my belly and kisses me on the forehead tenderly. I cup his cheeks, his stubble running against the pads of my fingers. He leans his face down and I push on my tip toes, pressing my lips to his possessively. My body is craving him, longing for him to be inside me, to just take charge. My mind shuts off and submits my body over to him, allowing myself to feel and succumb to pleasure. Shadow runs his lips from my mouth across my cheek to my ear lobe, giving it a slight tug with his sharp teeth. My body arches inward, so desperately wanting contact. My eyes come across Zane, still sleeping on the bed as Shadow pulls me in closer, and his hands are running down my back side. Shit. I take a deep breath and press my palms against Shadow’s chest.